POS Malaysia Postpaid

This feature is for Pro plan. First you can go to Settings > POS Malaysia Postpaid.

Or via this link: https://orderla.my/admin/delivery-services/posmalaysia-postpaid.

Please enter your Client ID & Client Secret from POS Malaysia backend.

Below that, please add your address.

How to Get The Keys

Firstly you need to have an account for USC Portal and login here https://usc.pos.com.my/.

Then go to "Gen Connot". Or use this URL: https://usc.pos.com.my/apimarketplace/gen-connote

Then, click on "My Apps".

Select all the options as follows and click 'Submit'.

After creating new app, click at the navigation bar 'Endpoints'.

Then at Applications panel, select the name of appliation you have created.

At the same page on the upperside, please toggle the Sandbox switch off (1) to enable Production mode as below.

In the panel it will show the Client ID and Client Secret.

Back to Orderla.my Page, at Settings > Delivery Services > POS Malaysia Postpaid.

Copy and paste at the settings.

Set Pickup Locations

Next, at the same page scroll down to 'Pickup Locations' section. Click on 'Add New Pickup' (1).

Please enter your Location Name & Location ID. For Location ID please use postcode.

Submit the Shipping Info to POS Malaysia

Note: This feature is on web based platform.

When you receive an order, please open the order details.

There is a section : POS Malaysia Postpaid Delivery.

Click the 'Manage POS Malaysia Shipment...' button.

A window like below will appear.

First you need to check the addresses for the sender and receiver are correct.

Next you need to select the pickup location (2) from your list created before.

Optionally check 'Require to Pickup' if needed.

Select Ready to Collect At and Close at properly.

Add comments if needed.

Choose Item Type.

Then click 'Submit to POS Malaysia' (2).

After that, click 'Proceed'.

If everything runs complete, you will be able to see the airwaybill in PDF format.

When click 'Download Here' it will download the AWB like below, ready to be printed!

Last updated