Cart-Based Form Type
Cart-based Form is a form type that is tailored for food & beverage (F&B) type of business. Of course it can be used for any similar fashion.
You can set 'Cart-based' at form edit / form scroll to Form Type, and select 'Cart-based'.
You may also choose Layout i) List or ii) Grid.
List View:
Grid View:
Product Detail Modal
To put on the cart, customers need to select a product to show a product pop-up.
With product details appears, customers can select additional items and variation.
In addition customers also can put their notes.
How to Setup
Once you have setup you form type as 'Cart-based' you can access 'Modifiers' at product edit.
You can select one of 3 types of modifier: Single Selection, Multi Selection or Stepper ( to let customer select the number for each modifier options ).
After that, click on '+ Add Option', to add the selection options for that modifier like below.
For each Option, you can add: name, additional price and also set it disabled ( if you cannot fulfil the option temporarily).
Indicator for Cart-based Form
To make it easier to know which form is using cart-based form, at form listing there is tag 'Cart'.
Last updated