Delyva Integration Tips

Submit your location more precise by setting your location coordinate.

First you need to follow the instruction at Delyva Integration.

Firstly at Form Edit / Pickup Delivery section scroll down to Map-based Local Delivery section.

Turn on the switch on.

With this tips, after the process completed you need to turn off back this feature, if you don't want the Map-based Local delivery feature.

Set Your Location

Now click on 'Set Location & Covered Area'.

A modal will appear like below. Start seach your location at the top field. Click on the suggestion until you get the red pin.

Drag & drop your pin to specifically point your location.

Once you done, click 'Done'.

Click 'Save' to save your form.

After you save your form, turn off 'Map-based Local Delivery'.

Managing the Order

At the Order Details (on the web), when you receive order via Delyva, there is a section titled 'Delyva Delivery'.

Click on 'Manage Delyva Shipment' button. Scroll down until you see checkbox for 'Send Seller's Coordinate', check the checkbox. Then click 'Submit & Purchase Parcel'

Last updated